Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jackson Hole Pics...

I just got back from a kick ass trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. There is something surreal about going to a state that you have never been to before and just soaking it all in. Wyoming is so much different in terms of physical landscape then what I am use to that it's crazy. Jackson Hole is different then the Sierra's...a lot of the Wyoming area is super flat and there is just crazy big mountain ranges surrounding the whole area. We hit up 3 days at the resort and I did some incredible snowboarding. Unfortunately there wasn't more then a couple of inches of new snow while I was there, but we were still able to find some untouched powder when searching high and low. The mountains surrounding the resort are almost all skiable and it was amazing to see how many groups of people were hiking up these huge peaks to try and catch some fresh snow. I could write up a whole essay about this place, but all and all this is one of the coolest resorts I've ever been to with an incredible amount of the steepest terrain I have ever seen. 

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