Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Secret Society - Use Your Imagination Contest

Well, first and foremost...THANK YOU for checking back to view my 2000th post. If you remember back to my 1000th post, I tried to do something a little out of box and not just the standard post for the big milestones in my blogging career. LOL. Sorry for not delivering through with this announcement yesterday, but we had some technical difficulties and wanted to make sure we had everything dialed in before coming out and announcing this contest.

I'm sure you all remember the epic "Imagination" track off of the first Secret Society tape courtesy of Hi-Jynx, Mr. Jefferson and Keen-¥ . Well, it was pretty obvious that there was an open verse needed at the end of that track. Want to be on the next Secret Society tape? Well, go in on that open spot on the end of the track and send it through to our Secret Society e-mail! I figured I'd up the individual "Imagination" track for download also, but if you don't already have this chilling in your iTunes from downloading the Secret Society tape then OFF yourself.

The rules are spelled out clearly on the artwork, but just wanted to add a few more important things. ALL entries will be posted on all of the Secret Society's blogs (The Real Just, Random Acts of Flyness, Crack of Dawn, Give The Drumma Some and Joe Galvan) so use this as a chance to get your work out to the masses. Also, Joe Galvan will be setting up a site like we did for the Secret Society tape that will allow listeners to stream the entries that have been submitted and vote on their favorite. Voting will start after the June 15th deadline so that everyone has a fair chance of having their entry make the second tape.

This will all be promotion towards the Secret Society : Vol. 2 which we are targeting for Labor Day.

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