(Not a bad start with CJ going off for 23 and his 3 Chargers combining for 37)

(If I win the big league I could give a flying fuck about this with no $ on the line)

(I've been out in this league...but still staying active for the love of #FFB)
Another year of Fantasy Football is almost over and this year I'm in two Fantasy Football Championship games. One championship in my $100 league and the other is my NT/Twitter Fam league. This was an excellent year for me in my big league as you can tell by the top picture. 12-2 and a whole 120 points higher then the next top scorer and 200-300 points on average over everyone else. It was all fun and enjoyable to do so well but none of it means SHIT unless I win this week. Let's go!
I can't believe I'm going snowboarding on Sunday and won't be watching the games and actively stressing out over my team and what numbers my players are putting up after doing that every single week so far this year. #ohwell
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