It's no secret that I have become all but obsessed with the game of golf over the past few months. Every single chance I get I'm spending any free time available I have to play. Lately I have been going a couple times a week and after a few months you get bored of the regular courses. With all the gorgeous golf courses within a 30 mile radius I am determined to get to play as many different courses in my area that I can.
Today I played Canyon Lakes Golf Course in San Ramon for the first time since back when I was playing casually in 8th grade. It had been a long time but all the hills, lakes and sand traps were able to refresh my memory quickly.
The Real Just - Courses I've Played : Canyon Lakes, Dublin Ranch, Las Positas and Willow Park.
The Real Just - Courses Next Up : San Ramon Golf Club, Callippe Preserve Golf Course, Sunol Golf Course, Bridges Golf Course, Wente Golf Course and Poppy Ridge Golf Course. I'm going to be able to cross off San Ramon Golf club next weekend!