"See You In My Nightmares"
"Flashing Lights"
"Touch The Sky"
"Say You Will"
"Good Life"
"Love Lockdown"
If you couldn't tell by the content in my blog over the past, Kanye West is one of my favorite rapper/singer/musicians/whatever the hell you want to call him these days. Tonight VH1 aired his Storytellers...which is basically a concert and him talking in between explaining the songs, what he was thinking when recording them, etc. If you are a Kanye fan and missed it, I just caught you up with all the songs above.
I'm curious to see where Ye' go's from here on the music tip. Dude can still obviously rap his ass off as he proved on the recent songs "Walking on the Moon" with The Dream and "Flight School" with T-Pain. I LOVEDDDDD 808's and Heartbreak but I am ready for the rapping Ye' to be back.
Oh yeah...he needs to lose that Frullet (Fro Mullet) ASAP. Shit is looking wacker and wacker by the day. Jesus. And did you see his bald headed girlfriend? Pics to come soon...
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