This past weekend I was able to get in my 11th and 12th day of snowboarding of the year. "Well, Just don't you have a wife and baby? How do you go so often?" I have been lucky enough to be able to juggle all of the aspects in my life so that I can spend as much time as possible doing the things that I love. If you don't know me THAT well then that means family, friends, snowboarding, basketball and music. Pretty simple. Add to that fact that my wife has been as cool as she could possibly be with letting me spend some times with my friends and there you have it.
I went up to South Lake Tahoe with a group of six of my high school friends on Friday and was able to get in two gorgeous days at Heavenly. Heavenly gave us some decent weather for Saturday with snow falling starting at 2:00 and falling for the rest of the day. Only about 2" of total snow accumulated, but that meant the snowboarding on Sunday would be that much better. Good snow meant fresh tracks regardless of how much total snow there was, but the best part about the day was that it was sunny and warm also. Sunny x warm x powder? That isn't something that anyone usually experiences but I was lucky enough to reap the rewards of that rare combination.
I put up a couple pictures of the trip that I took with my iPhone 3GS camera. Yes, the camera sucks but I always do my best to document all the trips that I go on regardless of the quality of the pictures. I wish I would of posted pictures for past trips, but maybe I'll set that as a standard moving forward. I'll leave all the dope Nikon pictures to the wife...
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