Ok....so if you haven't downloaded that new Chester French mixtape then you don't know what your missing out on. Man, it is front to back a legit mixtape and I happy as hell the blogs I visit put me onto it. However, I've never seen so many skits on one mixtape or album in my whole life. What the point of a skit? Seriously though. I think on this mixtape the skits were suppose to show they were just average Joe's just like us and kind of stumbled into this music thing. I'd much rather read about that though then hear it every time I put the mixtape in for a spin. SOOOOOO....I cut all the skits out and you know what? This mixtape just got 100 times better. Go back a few posts and DOWNLOAD THIS SHIT if you haven't already...and then cut out all the skits after you listen to them once. :)
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