Monday, March 23, 2009

It's SO tough to keep up on ALL these Singles...

It is hard as hell to keep up on all the singles that drop, but I do my best to post up the fire or have a lot of hype around their release. The goal of my blog though isn't to post every damn song released by every hip hip/rap/R&B artist on the face of the earth. I try to post just what I want to listen to and what I hope whoever reads my blog will like. Music is a large part of what go's up on here on a regular basis, but it can't and won't be 100% of my content.

It is no secret, but I get all of the music I post from some of my favorite websites on the internet. Unfortunately I am not at the point where rappers are sending their hot exclusives directly to me, but I hope I'll one day be on that level. :) 

Check out all my music resources I frequent often in the list on the side of my blog: Nah Right, On Smash, Hip Hop Update, College Radio Music, You Got That New, Hip Hop Early, Crack Muzik, etc. It is a little time consuming to give love to every site on that list every time I post a song from their site. So please always know the love is there, but I'm not going to post where the song came from every single time I make a post. I don't re-tag the tracks anyways, so it's no secret where it came from...

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