I cut and pasted this from my Facebook because I thought it was cool and I spent a little time on it. Enjoy!
1. I saw a bunch of people doing these Top 25 things and thought they were stupid. I even thought "Why the hell would someone waste their time doing that?". Then I went to the gym and while I was there I thought of all the random stuff I could put on this for an hour…
2. Like Jason, this will DEFINITELY be the last one of these things I do for a long time. Facebook, MySpace, the blog...I waste enough of my time on crap like this.
3. Let's jump on one more of Jason's list and then I'll leave him alone. I feel that blog's can have many purposes outside of the sheer comedy factor. I have read some funny blogs and enjoyed them, but to me a blog is a place to express yourself and be you. When I first made my blog I was sitting on the couch, Jill was sleeping, the Raiders were getting annihilated and I was bored out of my mind. Did I make it because I thought people would look at it? Nope. But, I am getting about 100 hits a day and only posting stuff I care about so I see that as a win.
4. I am having a daughter and naming her Brooklyn Ashley. The thought of being a Dad is still surreal to me, but I am so anxious for the day to be here it’s not even funny. It’s amazing how quickly life can change and how priorities shift. May 11th is the due date!!!!
5. Most of my friends think they are really smart. They try to prove how smart they are by using big words and discussing topics that would lead people to think they are a genius. They are not. In fact, when you get us together in a group you would have a hard time believing we are older then 14. Weiners, balls, farts, inappropriate use of words, etc are all things we laughed about back in 3rd grade and still laugh about now.
6. I have the most incredible group of friends anyone could ask for. Who in the hell still kicks it all the time with their friends from elementary and high school still? 90% of my friends I have been friends with for 10+ years. When we are all out together and run into someone random from MCHS, they always look at us like "You guys still all hang out!!???". We don't all keep in touch by phone, but when we are back together it's like we are teenagers all over again. I wouldn't trade that for the world.
7. I have about 75 pairs of sneakers (almost all of them Jordan’s) and 3 pairs of dress shoes. I wear dress shoes Monday-Friday. Pathetic on so many levels…I know.
8. I like a bunch of different kinds of music but 95% of the 15,000 songs on my iTunes are Rap/Hip-Hop. 1200 of those songs are Lil’ Wayne. The man has a work ethic like none other...
9. Snoop Dogg has been my favorite rapper since I heard him on “Nuthin’ But A G Thang” back in 1992. I was 9 or 10 years old and was rapping about contraceptives in the back seat of my Mom’s Volvo. LOL. Needless to say, my Mother wasn’t a fan of Snoop. Snoop is getting old and hasn’t has my attention in a few years, but still is my favorite rapper of all time.
10. I have always been good at just about all sports...but never great. The closest I was ever to being great at a sport was volleyball. I obsessed over volleyball in high school, loved every minute of playing and haven’t played one single time since I graduated high school. Sad.
11. I never had Sushi until about 2 years ago. I wouldn’t even go near it or a sushi restaurant. Jill was super pissed at me about something and I knew I could make her happy if I went to sushi with her….so I did. The 29th was my birthday and I chose to go to sushi for dinner. Pretty much my favorite food now. Funny how things can come full circle like that.
12. I eat a sandwich for lunch every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY I order a turkey, cheddar cheese, mayo and mustard only sandwich on some sort of roll. When I call Lucca’s on the phone they know my order by heart and my voice when I call. I walk in and all the employee’s greet me like I own the place. This is also true for Bagel Street CafĂ©. They sometimes have my sandwich ready when I walk in the door because they saw me pull up. Domenico’s is also one of my favorites, but I’m not in Danville nearly as much as Dublin and Castro Valley so I don’t have quite the name recognition there. Togo’s and Safeway in Dublin use to know my name and order by heart too, but BSC took over and I haven’t been to either place in days.
13. I eat just about no fruits or vegetables. When I say “just about” I mean I consider corn and potatoes vegetables when I know they aren’t and consider apple juice a fruit. Does Jamba Juice count?
14. I am a creature of habit. I go to a restaurant and order the same thing every time. I do just about the same thing every day. Getting out of my schedule pisses me off. We are definitely putting Brooklyn on a schedule. From my observations, the people who have their kids on a schedule have life about 1000x easier.
15. I would strongly consider moving out of California. I know it is great here, but I feel like you could have such a better life living in a place that was way cheaper. Who wants to work their ass off, make great $ and have it all go to bills? I could transfer within my same job to another state and make the same amount of money…hmmm. Colorado has peeked my interest.
16. My goal in life is to own a cabin. Seriously.
17. I would rather snowboard then anything on earth. I love every single moment of it…from putting my gear on in the morning to watching steam come out of my boots at the end of the day when I take them off. I am better at snowboarding then most, but I still suck in the park. I will go on any run on any mountain and fly down it….but I will be hesitant as hell trying to boardslide a small box coming out of the snow. Definitely need to work on this…
18. I snow skated the other day. Most fun new thing I can remember doing in a LONGGGG ass time.
19. My knee hurts and I don’t know why. I am leaving for a snowboarding trip to Jackson Hole in 5 days. Kinda sucks….
20. I play basketball every Saturday with all the Asian guys (no racist) in my neighborhood. I DOMINATE them. One guy compared me to Kobe Bryant the other day. Seriously. LOL. What could make you feel better? I play basketball in an adult league I set up with work people from ADP in Pleasanton. I played really well in the past, but am off to a Rob Kurz like start to this league. This makes me thing I should start playing with competition more comparable to the league I am in instead of dominating the Asians every weekend.
21. One time I was at this club called Aer in New York with a bunch of people from work after our training. We were chilling in VIP and when “We Fly High” came on people thought Trot and I were famous or something. No joke. I’ll leave it at that. LOL.
22. I use to get my haircut once a week at a black barber shop in Hayward. I would get a bald fade from a dude named D. 0 on the sides, 3 or 4 on the top. I miss being in that place and hearing everyone’s funny ass stories. I can’t lie…I also miss the bald fade. When Jill says she is cutting her hair off I say I am going to go call D.
23. I met Jim Jones on a flight from SFO to Newark. We were waiting on the flight and wondering why the hell we hadn’t taken off yet. All of a sudden like 10 fools roll on the plane mad late and disperse to random seats throughout the plane. I look at Jill and I’m like “babe, I swear that was Jim Jones.” She made fun of me and swore I was a retard. Well, as soon as the drink cart passed me I decided I would use the first class bathroom to peep the scene. Jim was sprawled out across two seats in first class sleeping. I took a pic with him when we got off the plane after he stared at Jill’s ass for a full minute. To this day I wonder if his entourage on the plane were rappers I would know now. Must have been since he was coming from a concert. RIP Stack Bundles.
24. I represent my sports teams from the bay area. Raiders, Warriors and A’s. I would rather see the 49er’s or Giants win though instead of some other team. I think people who’s favorite teams are scattered all across the US are idiots.
25. And I’ll save the best for last. A mutual friend hooked Jill and I up, but we worked next door to each other and I had been eyeing her for months. I was just too big of a wuss to say anything to her. Luckily one of her friends called me drunk right now from the bowling alley to profess Jill’s love for me. LOL. That started a beautiful thing and who would of ever guessed it would turn into what it is today. ☺
By doing this I have noticed that I do the whole ... to break up my sentences WAY too much.
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