Friday, December 19, 2008

The Waiting Game...

Well, the wife and I are glued to the computer right now trying to cop this Jordan CDP XI/XII. I am up at my boy's cabin in Dorington, so there is no where even close around here to get them. I have left all my faith in trying to grab them online. Wish me luck! Hopefully I'll have good karma after not being able to get those Eminem x Jordan 2 joint's yesterday.

Refresh central right now...

Life couldn't be better if I get my confirmation e-mail tonight and then can wake up early and go snowboarding!
FinishLine and EastBay both crashed on us like 40 times, but wifey finally got through and copped my size 12. YESSSIIIIRRRRR. We were refreshing like none other on 2 computers and finally she got through. After I got my confirmation e-mail I got greedy as hell and started trying to cop such luck. Probably better off, but I would of took 2 easy. Yeah, I know...I'm obsessed, weird, or whatever else you non shoe heads want to call me. :)

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